July 26, 2024, 2:24 am

Withdraw false rape case against UP chairman Mamun-demanded family

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DESK REPORT: Family members as well as ward members of Bhusionchhara union parishad (UP) under Barkal upazila of the district on Saturday demanded withdrawal of a rape case against Mamunur Rashid Mamun, chairman of Bhusionchhara union parishad (UP).

They made the demand in a press conference held at Rangamati Press Club’s hall room.

Chairman Mamun’s wife Nasrin Akhter and his father Mohammed Solaiman claimed that the conspiracy was started against Mamun soon after he was elected as chairman in 2016. Md. Alamgir Hossain was behind for all conspiracies against Mamun from the very start.

Alamgir wanted to get nomination from his party Awami League (AL) to vie for the post of chairmanship in Bhusionchhara union. But his party did not extend the support to him to run in the UP election. As a result, he (Alamgir) got fed up on Mamun. Alamgir with his cohorts have been hatching deep conspiracy against Mamun by making false propagandas since then. As part of its ill plot, Alamgir instigated one Nasir Hawlader in Bhusionchhara union to file a rape case against running chairman Mamun through his daughter Nasrin.

Subsequently, Nasrin filed a rape case against Mamun.

They strongly protested the incident and demanded for withdrawal of the rape case immediately.