July 26, 2024, 7:45 pm

Cyclone Sitrang: What to know?

Cyclone Sitrang formed over the east-central Bay of Bengal late night yesterday (October 23, 2022). This is the first big storm that has developed in the Bay of Bengal in the month of October since 2018. It may cross the Bangladeshi coast by early tomorrow (October 25, 2022).

Cyclone Sitrang formed over the east-central Bay of Bengal late night yesterday (October 23, 2022). This is the first big storm that has developed in the Bay of Bengal in the month of October since 2018. It may cross the Bangladeshi coast by early tomorrow (October 25, 2022).


No. Forecasts predict that the cyclone will make its way over Bangladesh and the coast of neighbouring West Bengal tomorrow. The projection indicates that Sundarbans, on both sides of Bangladesh and India (West Bengal) could be the worst-hit. Kolkata, Howrah, and Hooghly in West Bengal would see a moderate amount of rain on Monday and Tuesday. Southern Assam, east Meghalaya, Nagaland, Mizoram, Manipur, and Tripura might get moderate to heavy rainfall, according to India Meteorological Department.

Credit: The Daily Star

News Link:https://www.thedailystar.net/environment/climate-crisis/natural-disaster/news/cyclone-sitrang-what-know-3150841